
Kay Array

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Interactions that build relationships 


Than Just


― What We Do

Your vision plus our expertise equals new impulse to your growth

Social Media Management

Pay Per Click Advertising

Social Media Profile Setup

Social Media Audit

― Our Clients

Some friends we made while working together

― Awesome Works

We create words and images to make your customers fall in love with your business.

― FAQs

We do social – so you don’t have to

Social media management offers a wide range of digital marketing services, including social media content creation; hashtag strategy; LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest strategies. Social media strategy is a highly complex field, and our specialists have a deep understanding of various social media platforms and how to use each platform to increase brand awareness.

Social media marketing pricing can vary depending on the type of service required. For example, all-in social media management includes building social media presence for brand awareness, an in-depth content calendar, and paid social media Ads on Google and other social media platforms. All these services can be expensive. However, most business owners find that social media management is very cost-effective, given the high ROI for these social media management services.

A social media manager is in charge of monitoring all aspects of a brand’s social media presence. It includes researching the target audience, analyzing competitors, designing social media posts for all social media accounts, and building the brand’s online presence overall. Social media managers generally schedule content far in advance, and a part of their role is to monitor the automation to ensure all posts go out as planned

Social media strategy is a highly complex field which is time-consuming at the same time. It takes months to build a good social media presence and then it starts giving some returns. But compared to other forms of marketing, social media is the most cost-effective marketing channel that most businesses prefer.

As already stated, social media doesn’t work as a magical wand. It takes time and constant effort to get to the goal.

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